Saturday, September 14, 2013

Book review: Spark

Author: Brigid Kemmerer
Genre: YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Rating: 5/5 plus cookies

Gabriel Merrick plays with fire. Literally. Sometimes he can even control it. And sometimes he can't. So when an arsonist wrecks havoc on his town, all signs point to Gabriel. 

Layne is strangely drawn to him. She understands family problems, and she understands secrets. She has a few of her own.

Gabriel can't let Layne known that danger is right at his heels. But there are some risk he can't help taking.

The fuse is lit...

It was great coming back to the Elemental Series. I have missed Gabriel so much.

Spark continues about a week or so after Storm. It is in both Gabriel and Layne's point of view. Gabriel is my favourite out of the brothers and so I was so excited for this one and I can now say it is definitely without a doubt my favourite even if I haven't read the others yet. Gabriel is in a constant battle with himself because of his powers. He can control his powers but at the same time, he can't. The lure of the fire calls to him, literally, and it is difficult for him to pull away. And because of this, he pushes his loved ones away, particularly his twin brother, Nick, whom he had always told everything to.

While his inner struggles continues, other problems arise such as the fires breaking out all over town. Of course, he would be the obvious suspect, but he's not doing it.

Meanwhile, Layne Forrest is the shy "brainiac" at school who is constantly bullied by everybody at school. Them bitches. STAY AWAY FROM MY BABY. She has her own secrets and you can't help but be proud of her because she is so strong in the sense that she doesn't let her parents or the people around her influence the way she is. She's got that "look, I'm not going to be the person you want me to be. I'm just going to be me while I read my books and ride horses" vibe. Can Layne be my best friend please and let me hold you because you are beautiful and amazing and I just love you so much okay?

Overall, Spark was quite action packed with the fires and Gabriel's non-involved involvement with it and there's of course, more Gabriel witty and sexiness.

The romance between Gabriel and Layne is quite beautiful. They're both drawn to each other yet believe the other couldn't possible be into the other which is very frustrating and you're just like:

And other times my Gabriel x Layne feels are as follows

Until my next review *three finger salutes*

Btw, the cookie monster is basically me/Gabriel. He and I are one and the same. We're meant to be. O T P. Brigid ships us too. [x]

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